His style of works was formed from his interest in seeing pieces in the Cubism era. Throughout its development, Detu transformed it to become more organic and symbolic. This style generates his pieces to explore human problems from various perspectives and contexts. He places himself as a human when he observes the environment and his fellow human beings, he makes himself aware and concerned about existence and his presence as a human being. Not only trying to represent it in an abstract and symbolic form, he also aspires to respond to it with a new sense of awareness. Behind his abstraction, he hides the awareness of modern and contemporary society and other meanings being implied. Changes in culture, character, diversity of thought patterns — he inserts a human image to represent himself as part of a speech.

Fragment after fragment, yet we still make sense of everything.
In FRAGMENTED REALITIES, Detu Wisesa premiers his artistic journey and material exploration made during his time living on his mother island of Bali. Inspired by little observations and analogies during this time, each artwork presents reflection, conflict, and most importantly, escape.
Save the date!
27 November - 11 December 2022
Opening Night
27 November 2022, 17:30 wita
Curator: Pande Sri W.
Uma Seminyak
Jl. Kayu Cendana Oberoi no.1
Seminyak, Bali 80361